Sample Exam

A few Level III candidates have asked me for a sample of my Level III morning session mock exams, so that they can have an idea of the quality of the product they will be purchasing.

That seems like a legitimate request.

Here is a sample of my exams.  It’s not a full exam, but I have included all of the files you would get for each exam session.  The answer templates are in a separate .pdf file.  This sample will certainly give you an idea of the style, look, feel, topic coverage, and level of difficulty.  I hope that you find it useful.


What’s the Deal with these Mock Exams?

2023 Level III Morning Session Sample Exam Case Scenarios

2023 Level III Morning Session Sample Mock Exam Questions

2023 Level III Morning Session Sample Mock Exam Full Guideline Answers

2023 Level III Morning Session Sample Mock Exam Short Answers

Important Note

Mac computers seem to be having trouble with the editable answer template .pdf file.

If you plan to answer the questions onscreen,

I encourage you to download the file to a PC and do it there,

or else open the answer template file in your browser.