
All posts for the month July, 2016

A few years ago CFA Institute added a new reading on tax regimes to the Level III curriculum, and it caused quite a stir: apparently they had a large question about taxes on that first year’s Level III exam, and few candidates were prepared for it. I want you to be prepared for it. And […]

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CFA® Level III Membership

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I was recently writing a comparison of indices and benchmarks, and it occurred to me that an article on benchmarks might be useful, so here it is.  This is an easy one. The main points of interest to Level III CFA candidates are: How are benchmarks used? What characteristics should a benchmark have? What are […]

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CFA® Level III Membership

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If you were to ask (a random sample of) 100 financial advisors what the term “rebalance” means, I wouldn’t be surprised if 95 of them described it as “returning the portfolio to its original weights in each asset class”, or something tantamount to that. In other words, the investing world overwhelmingly equates rebalancing with a […]

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CFA® Level III Membership, CFA® Level III Trade Strategy and Execution Membership

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